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发表于 2008-12-2 16:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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今天利用闲暇时间,大概看了一下第一章中的Hacks #1-15。
some of the most common mistakes users make when setting up a spreadsheet:
Unnecessarily spreading data over many different workbooks, 不必要地将数据存储在多个工作簿中
Unnecessarily spreading data over numerous worksheets, 不必要地将数据分散在多个工作表中
Unnecessarily spreading data over different tables 不必要地将数据分布在不同的表格中
Having blank columns and rows in tables of data   在数据列表中有空行,空列
Leaving blank cells for repeated data  当数据与前一数据重复时留空
you should always try to keep related data in one continuous table.读者应始终要把相关的数据存储在同一张连续的表格中。
It is always a good idea to leave at least three blank rows above your table (at least three, preferably more). These can then be used for criteria for features such as Advanced Filter and Database functions.
People also tinker with the alignment of cell data. By default, numbers in Excel are right-aligned and text is left-aligned, and there are good reasons to leave it this way. If you start changing this formatting, you will not be able to tell at a glance if the contents of a cell are text or numeric.有些读者会胡乱地修改单元格数据对齐方式。默认是数值右对齐,文本左对齐。保持这种对齐方式是有好理由的。如果改变了这种默认对齐方式。就不会一眼看出单元格的内容是文本还是数值。
Format cells as text only when completely necessary. All data entered into cells formatted as text become text, even if you meant for them to be numbers or dates. Worse still, any cell housing a formula that references a text-formatted cell also will be formatted as text. Generally, you do not want formula cells to be formatted
Merged cells can also cause problems. The Microsoft knowledge base is full of frequently encountered problems with merged cells. As a good alternative, use "Center across selection," found on the Alignment tab of the Format Cells dialog under the Horizontal tab.
合并单元格也会导致问题。一个好的替代方法是: 单元格格式对话框-->对齐选项卡——>水平对齐下拉框下选“Center across selection”(或许是跨选择列居中)由于没装中文版,请允许先凑合一下)
BTW, 没有跨选择行居中噢!

[ 本帖最后由 livewire 于 2010-6-3 09:39 编辑 ]






发表于 2008-12-2 19:33 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2008-12-2 20:48 | 显示全部楼层
[广告] VBA代码宝 - VBA编程加强工具 · VBA代码随查随用  · 内置多项VBA编程加强工具       ★ 免费下载 ★      ★使用手册



 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-2 22:22 | 显示全部楼层
[广告] Excel易用宝 - 提升Excel的操作效率 · Excel / WPS表格插件       ★免费下载 ★       ★ 使用帮助
自定义单元格批注 Hack 28 Customize Cell Comments

1 自定义批注中自动插入的用户名。
注:对更改之后插入的批注有效,之前插入的批注保持原样.   SHIFT+F2: 活动单元格插入批注

2  将枯燥的批注方框替换为其它形状并加阴影效果
a. 定位到需更改批注样式的单元格
c. 按ESC键退出批注内容编辑模式,或左键点击方框边框
d. 绘图工具栏-->绘图-->change autoshape 更改自动形状  选择自已喜欢的
e 点击绘图工具栏的阴影按钮, 添加阴影效果


[ 本帖最后由 livewire 于 2008-12-3 12:45 编辑 ]



 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-2 22:22 | 显示全部楼层
Hack 70 Find the nth Occurrence of a Value
Hack 70 查找某个数据的第n次出现

Excel's built-in lookup functions can do some pretty clever stuff, but unfortunately Excel has no single function that will return the nth occurrence of specified data. Fortunately, there are ways to make Excel do this.

You can use Excel's lookup and reference functions on a table of data to extract details corresponding to a specified value. Perhaps the most popular of these Excel functions is VLOOKUP. Although VLOOKUP is great for finding a specified value in the leftmost column of a table, you cannot use it to find the nth occurrence in the leftmost column.
我们可以对一个数据列表使用EXCEL的查找与引用函数来提取某一指定数据对应的详细信息。可能最常用的函数是VLOOKUP, 尽管VLOOKUP在数据列表最左列查找指定数据很有用,但是不能用它来找出在最左列中的第N次出现。

You can, however, use a very simple method to find any specified occurrence you choose when using VLOOKUP, or one of the other lookup functions.
For this example, we will assume you have a two-column table of data, with column A housing first names and column B their corresponding ages, as shown in Figure 6-12
You can use a VLOOKUP function to extract a person's age based on his name. Unfortunately, some names occur more than once. You want to be able to look up the name Dave and have the VLOOKUP function find not the first occurrence, but rather, subsequent occurrences of the name. Here is how you can do this (remember, in this example, data is in columns A and B).
使用VLOOKUP函数可以根据名字查取对应的年龄。但是一些名字不止出现一次。我们想查找名字Dave, 想让VLOOKUP函数找到非第首次出现的位置,就是这个名字后续出现的位置。下面就是怎样来实现它(注:举例的数据在A列和B列)
First, select column A in its entirety by clicking the letter A at the column head, and then select Insert  Columns to insert a blank column (which will become column A). Click in cell A2 (skipping A1 because B1 is a heading), and enter this formula:
首先,点击列标题栏中的字母A,选中A列整列,然后选择插入》插入列 插入一个空白列(此列将成为A列),点击A2单元格(跳过A1单元格,因为B1是标题)输入下面的公式:
Copy this down as many rows as you have data in column B (click back in cell A2 and double-click the fill handle). You will end up with names such as Dave1, Dave2, Dave3, etc., as shown in Figure 6-13. Note the absolute reference to $B$2 in the COUNTIF function and the use of a relative reference for all references. This is vital to the function working correctly.
重新选择A2单元格,双击填充柄,将公式向下复制多行至B列最后数据的那一行,最后我们得到诸如Dave1, Dave2, Dave3, 等等这样的名字,如图6-13所示。注意在COUNTIF函数中$B$2的绝对引用,其它引用使用相对引用。这对公式得到正确结果是至关重要的。
If you haven't guessed already, now you can use column A as the column to find the nth occurrence of any name.
Click in cell D2 and enter in the following formula:
The formula will return the age for the third occurrence of the name Dave, as shown in Figure 6-14.

You can, of course, hide column A from view, as you do not need to see it.
You also can use the names in column A as the Source range for a list in another cell by selecting Data  Validation  List. Then reference the cell housing this list in your VLOOKUP function.
我们也可以把A列中的名字做为另一单元格数据有效性序列的源区域, 然后在VLOOKUP函数中引用这个单元格。

[ 本帖最后由 livewire 于 2008-12-7 11:12 编辑 ]



 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-2 22:23 | 显示全部楼层
[广告] Excel易用宝 - 提升Excel的操作效率 · Excel / WPS表格插件       ★免费下载 ★       ★ 使用帮助
Hack 15 Extract Data from a Corrupt Workbook
Hack 15 从损坏的工作簿中提取数据

Workbook corruption can mean the loss of vital data, costing you more than just money. This hack explores some methods that might recover your data.
Workbooks sometimes become corrupt for no apparent reason. This can cause all sorts of problems, especially if the workbook is vital and for whatever reason you have no backup. Lesson 1: always back up your data somewhere. Realistically, though, this does not always happen, and corruption can, of course, occur right before your regularly scheduled backup.
To add to your frustration, even though you know your workbook is corrupt, you sometimes might still be able to open it and even perform certain actions in it.
If You Can Open Your Workbook

If you can open the offending workbook, before doing anything else, be sure to save a copy of it; otherwise, you might regret it. If you have a copy, you can always seek professional help!
Now, try opening the workbook in a later version of Excel and simply saving. Obviously this is not possible if you already are using the latest version of Excel.
现在,试着在较高版本的EXCEL中打开,简单地保存一下。当然如果已在使用最新版本的EXCEL, 这是不可能做到的。
If this doesn't work, try opening your workbook and saving the file in HTML or HTM format, then close the file and reopen it, this time saving again in the format you require—e.g., .xls.
When saving in HTML or HTM format, the following features will be lost:
•        Custom views
•        自定义视图
•        Unused number formats
•        未使用的数字格式
•        Unused styles
•        未使用的样式
•        Data consolidation settings
•        数据合并设置
•        Scenarios
•        方案
•        Natural language formulas (they are converted to standard range references)
•        自然语言公式(将转换为标准的单元格区域引用)
•        Custom function categories
•        自定义函数
•        Strikethrough, subscript, and superscript elements
•        中间划线,上标,下标元素
•        Change History
•        更改历史
•        Customized page setup settings for charts that are embedded on a worksheet
•        针对嵌入到工作表中的图表的自定义页面设置
•        List settings for ListBoxes and ComboBoxes from the Forms toolbar
•        窗体工具栏中的列表框和组合框的列表设置
•        Conditional formatting that is stored on an XLM macro sheet
•        保存在XLM宏工作表中的条件格式
Also, shared workbooks will no longer be shared. The "Value (Y) axis crosses at category number" setting on the Scale tab of the Format Axis dialog box is not saved if the "Value (Y) axis crosses a maximum category" checkbox is checked. The "Vary colors by point" setting in the Format Data Series dialog box is not saved if the chart contains more than one data series.
Finally, try opening your file and saving it in SYLK (.slk, for symbolic link) format. Note that when you save a workbook in this format, only the active worksheet is saved. So, you will have to do the same for each worksheet. Reopen the file and save it in a desired format such as .xls.
最后,试着打开文件,另存为SYLK格式(.slk, symbolic link符号链接)。注意当将工作簿另存为这种格式时,只有活动工作表被另存,因此,需要对每个工作表执行相同操作。重新打开这个YLK格式文件,另存为需要的格式,比如.xls.
If You Cannot Open Your File

If your workbook is corrupt to the point that you cannot even open it, open your spreadsheet in Microsoft Word or via the Spreadsheet viewer, which can be downloaded from the Microsoft web site, then copy your data from the open file. Much of your formatting, formulas, etc., will, however, be lost.
如果工作簿损坏到甚至不能用EXCEL打开,用MS Word或Spreadsheet viewer(表格浏览器)打开, Spreadsheet viewer(表格浏览器)可从微软的网站上下载。然后从打开的文件中拷贝数据,然而很多格式和公式等等会丢失。
Next, open a new workbook and create an external link to the corrupt workbook—e.g., ='C:\Documents and Settings\Raina\My Documents\[ChookSheet.xls]Sheet1'!A1. Copy this link down as many rows and across as many columns as needed. Do the same for each worksheet in the workbook. If you cannot remember any of the names of the worksheets, create any old sheet name using the correct filename path, and Excel will display the sheet names for you when you press Enter.
下一步,打开一个新工作簿,在A1单元格内建立一个指向损坏工作簿的外部链接-例如“='C:\Documents and Settings\Raina\My Documents\[ChookSheet.xls]Sheet1'!A1. 向下复制和向右复制所需的多行多列。工作簿中的每个工作表执行相同操作。如果没记住工作表名,工作簿名路径正确的情况下使用任意旧的工作表名,EXCEL会在按ENTER键时显示工作表名。
One final thing you can do is visit the OpenOffice.org web site and download the free version of OpenOffice.org. Except for different names for different tools and commands, OpenOffice.org is very similar to Excel. OpenOffice.org is based on the same basic spreadsheet structure as Excel, making it simple for Excel users to use. In fact, about 96% of the formulas used in Excel can be created and applied by using the spreadsheet in OpenOffice.org.
To download the free version of OpenOffice.org, go to http://download.openoffice.org/index.html and download it from the FTP site of your choice. Then install the program. OpenOffice.org is also available for Macs.
要下载免费版OpenOffice.org,访问网址http://download.openoffice.org/index.html, 根据读者的选择可以自FTP网站上下载,接着安装软件。OpenOffice.org 也有适用于苹果机的版本。
In many cases, your Excel data can be recovered. However, no VBA code can be recovered due to incompatibility between OpenOffice.org and Excel.
在很多情况下,EXCEL数据可以恢复。然而因为OpenOffice.org 和 Excel的不兼容,VBA代码不可恢复。
Sadly, if none of these methods works, you probably will have to pay to try to have your workbook recovered with special software. One source where such reputable software (for Windows) can be purchased belongs to the authors of this book and is located at http://www.ozgrid.com/Services/corrupt-file-recovery-index.htm.
After purchase and installation, run the ExcelFix program. Click Select File, select a corrupt file, and then click Diagnose to recover the file. You should now see the recovered file in the workbook viewer. Click Save Workbook to save the workbook into a new readable file that you can open from Excel.
购买安装后,运行ExcelFix程序,点击选择文件(Select File),选择一个损坏的文档,然后点击诊断(Diagnose)来修复文档。应该在工作簿浏览器中看到已修复的文档。点击保存工作簿(Save Workbook)保存成一个新的可被EXCEL打开的文档。
Also available is a demo version that does not enable you to save the file, but all versions of the program enable you to start again and recover as many files as you want.

[ 本帖最后由 livewire 于 2008-12-13 12:23 编辑 ]



 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-2 22:23 | 显示全部楼层
Hack 14 Reduce Workbook Bloat
HACK 14  工作簿文件瘦身大法

一个里面输入了相当多数据的典型工作簿,如果只有数据的话,文件大小也就1.37 MB。如果插入一个引用四个整列作为其数据源的数据透视表,文件的大小会激增到2.4 MB。如果再设置一些格式,文件的大小会翻倍。
首先要定位数据区域的最右下角单元格。不要依赖编辑  定位...  定位条件  最后一个单元格。这个会定位到最后一个设置了格式的单元格。
需要手工找到这个单元格,选中紧临下面一行,按CTRL+SHIFT+下箭头键,选中数据区域下面的所有行。 然后 编辑 清除  所有 来清除

同样的操作思路来清除数据区域右边所有列的不必要的格式。选中紧临右面的一列,按CTRL+SHIFT+右箭头键,选中数据区域下面的所有行。 然后 编辑 清除  所有 来清除 。


保存文件,查看文件大小。文件  属性...  常规.

进入VBE编辑器,在项目浏览器内,右击每个模块,选择移除Module,当系统询问,是否在移除之前导出模块,选YES, 并记下存放的路径 。


通过以上操作,如果文件还是过大,另一个因素是数据透视表、视图中引用了多余的单元格。人们为了避免添加新数据以后需手工更新引用区域,常常引用65,536 行(整列)。在HACK42中将介绍使用定义名称的动态区域。


首先取消工作表隐藏,格式 工作表  取消隐藏。以使所有的工作表显示出来。从第一个工作表开始到最后一个工作表,先删除一个工作表,保存文档,再查看文件大小,如果文件尺寸大幅减速小,那么刚删掉的那个工作表很有可能已损坏。

[ 本帖最后由 livewire 于 2008-12-21 13:34 编辑 ]



 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-2 22:24 | 显示全部楼层
Hack 33 Add More Levels of Undo to Excel for Windows
Hack 33 增加更多的UNDO(撤消上次操作)的次数(适用于Windows版的EXCEL)

我们都熟悉EXCEL的UNDO特性,此特性使用户能够撤消上次错误操作。但是,缺省的UNDO次数只有16次, 我们通过更改注册表可以允许撤消100次错误。
当使用EXCEL UNDO功能,UNDO到16次时,第一个UNDO将被第17个UNDO覆盖。只要一保存文档,UNDO的堆栈将被清除,UNDO的历史丢失,这是因为当你点击了SAVE命令,实际上就是告诉EXCEL你对所对的更改很满意,EXCEL为你做了决定:UNDO的历史记录不再需要啦。
读者也许会发现,仅仅能UNDO 16次是远远不够滴。我们可以通过编辑注册表来修改它。

1. 完全关闭EXCEL应用程序;
2.点“开始”--》“运行”,在打开的窗口中输入Regedit.exe, 点击“确定”,打开注册表编辑器
3.展开HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 再展开下一层的 Software ,再展开 Software , Microsoft , Office,10.0(10.0 is for Excel 2002,那么11.0是2003),再展开EXECL,最后展开Options
(偶用EXCEL2000, 9.0 作示范)


选菜单“编辑”--》“新建”DWORD值, 输入单词UndoHistory, 按ENTER键。 双击刚刚创建的UndoHistory,输入一个16~100之间的值


[ 本帖最后由 livewire 于 2009-1-10 11:24 编辑 ]



 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-2 22:26 | 显示全部楼层
[广告] Excel易用宝 - 提升Excel的操作效率 · Excel / WPS表格插件       ★免费下载 ★       ★ 使用帮助
Hack 43 Nest Dynamic Ranges for Maximum Flexibility
HACK43 最大限度灵活地组织动态区域



点击 插入Insert名称Names定义Define。在工作簿名称框内输入Names,在引用位置框内输入以下公式:

点击 添加Add. 现在再回点工作簿名称框,输入名称Jnames(J可以是任何所需的字母), 在引用位置框内输入以下公式:

这里的"J*"用于匹配名字以字母J开头的数据。点击 添加Add.当回点公式所在的引用位置框时,所有以字母J开头的名字将被虚线框框起来。



选择 数据Data有效性Validation, 在允许框内选序列,在来源框内输入A*,B*,C*, 等等,直到所有的26个字母输完。如图3-9所示,做完后点击确定。

(为了方便起见,我在单元格区域内用公式=CHAR(ROW()+64)&"*" 生成)


点击 插入Insert名称Names定义Define。在工作簿名称框内输入Names,在引用位置框内输入以下公式后点击添加Add: =OFFSET($A$2,0,0,COUNTA($A$2:$A$1000),1)

再回点工作簿名称框,输入名称LetterNames, 在引用位置框内输入以下公式后点击添加Add,点击确定





Hack43_example.rar (140.89 KB, 下载次数: 84)

[ 本帖最后由 livewire 于 2009-1-24 09:22 编辑 ]



发表于 2009-1-10 00:04 | 显示全部楼层
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