原帖由 Saint_Zuo 于 2010-3-16 08:48 发表
Option Explicit
Sub Example()
Dim objExcel As Object
Dim objSheet As Object
Dim myRange As Range
Dim myTable As Table
Dim oCell As Cell
Dim vntRange As Variant
Dim strFind As String
Dim xlFileName As String
Dim strXLA1 As String
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim intTarget As Integer
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim intCol As Integer
Dim blnExists As Boolean
strFind = "数据"
intTarget = 3
Selection.HomeKey wdStory
With Selection.Find
.Text = strFind
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.MatchWildcards = False
If .Execute = False Then Exit Sub
intCount = intCount + 1
If intCount = intTarget Then
With ActiveDocument
xlFileName = .Path & "\数据源.xls"
Set myRange = .Range(Selection.End, Selection.Paragraphs(1).Range.End - 1)
Set myTable = .Tables(1)
End With
blnExists = (InStr(myRange.Text, "。") > 0)
If Len(Dir(xlFileName, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set objExcel = GetObject(xlFileName)
Set objSheet = objExcel.sheets(1)
strXLA1 = CStr(objSheet.[A1].Value)
If blnExists = True Then strXLA1 = strXLA1 & "。"
myRange.Text = strXLA1
vntRange = objSheet.[A5:B8].Value
For Each oCell In myTable.Range.Cells
With oCell
intRow = .RowIndex
intCol = .ColumnIndex
.Range.Text = vntRange(intRow, intCol)
End With
Set objExcel = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
End With
End Sub |