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楼主: 魂断蓝桥

[原创] vbRichClient5 操作sqlite数据库




发表于 2023-10-20 11:22 | 显示全部楼层
[广告] VBA代码宝 - VBA编程加强工具 · VBA代码随查随用  · 内置多项VBA编程加强工具       ★ 免费下载 ★      ★使用手册
老师,到cnn.CreateNewDB ThisWorkbook.Path & "\x.db", Sheet1.[g2] 提示没有注册类,请问是什么原因呢



发表于 2024-5-15 20:27 | 显示全部楼层
liucqa 发表于 2017-7-23 14:46

ArrayList 一个加强版的数组。不用多解释,用过.Net的都知道。 ...

所有DirectCom.dll 从 Olaf 导出函数
有什么办法能重新修改 DirectCom.dll 后 可以支持64位excel

Private Type tThreadInit
  Param As Long         'User-Param (given into the ThreadMain-Method of the COM-Dll)
  hThread As Long       'filled from Thread (instantly, after STARTCOMOBJECT() returns)
  ThreadID As Long      'filled from Thread (if fully initialized, some msec after STARTCOMOBJECT())
  Reserved(511) As Byte 'reserved for Thread-Internal usage (don't touch this)
  'put your own, additional Members here...
End Type

'regfree instancing-stuff
Declare Function GetInstanceEx Lib "DirectCOM" (StrPtr_FName&, StrPtr_ClassName&, Optional ByVal UseAlteredSearchPath As Boolean = True) As Object
Declare Function GETINSTANCE Lib "DirectCOM" (FName$, ClassName$) As Object
Declare Function GETINSTANCELASTERROR$ Lib "DirectCOM" ()
Declare Function GETDLLCLASSOBJECT Lib "DirectCOM" (FName$, ClsId_16Bytes As Any) As IUnknown 'returns an IClassFactory-instance
Declare Function UNLOADCOMDLL& Lib "DirectCOM" (FName$, ClassName$)

'refree instancing on STAs (threading-stuff)
Declare Function STARTCOMOBJECT Lib "DirectCOM" (FName$, ClassName$, TI As Any) As Long 'please pass TI "ByVal VarPtr(MyTI)", in case of User-Strings in the tThreadInit-UDT
Declare Function GETTHREADCOUNT Lib "DirectCOM" () As Long 'threads created from within this Dll-instance
Declare Function GETTHREADSTATUS Lib "DirectCOM" (ByVal hThread&) As Long '259=Thread running; 258=Couldn't create ThreadObj (Threadfunc. already exited); all other Values are set by the exiting ThreadMain()-Method
Declare Function CLOSETHREADHANDLE Lib "DirectCOM" (hThread&) As Long
'helper-routines which made it into the Exports
Declare Function DEREF Lib "DirectCOM" (ByVal pSrc As Long) As Long
Declare Sub ASSIGN Lib "DirectCOM" (pDst As Any, pSrc As Any)
Declare Sub ASSIGNSWAP Lib "DirectCOM" (pDst As Any, pSrc As Any)
Declare Sub ASSIGNADDREF Lib "DirectCOM" (pDst As Any, pSrc As Any)
Declare Sub READTSC Lib "DirectCOM" (TSC As Currency) 'reads the CPU-TSC-register

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